Wireless home network security can be complex. The Wi-Fi security standards have changed over the last several years. The Wi-Fi alliance developed WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) with TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol) technology as a makeshift for Wi-Fi standard WEP in the year 2003. WPA is flexible with older hardware and usually, an update is necessary. Wi-Fi alliance developed another technology known as WPA2 a year later, which uses the AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) technology and requires modern hardware. WPA and WPA2 both have a good security, but the later along with AES technology offer a better choice. The loophole for both WPA and WPA2 is a weak password. Once security is properly carried out hackers and Wi-Fi, freeloaders are blocked, but care has to be taken to abstain from harmful websites and malicious e-mails.
Alternative Source: “http://www.connpost.com/techtidbits/ci_4404556”
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